Sunday, June 26, 2011

Self Publish and Prosper!

The only question is, why didn't we start doing this soon? Apparently it wasn't the time for us then, but no like us strike while the iron is hot! Click the image to enlarge so you can read it:

Colorbet for IPA vowels & Spanish Examples

This chart lists all the possible vowel sounds in all the languages of the world taken from the expanded canIPA, which goes beyond the traditional IPA vowel list.

Attacking the whole list head, on I created three rainbow wheels going around from the outside to the inside in three loops around and into the chart always starting at point 4 on the bottom, and then ending at point 6 or 5 also also on the bottom (an extra column of sky blues separates the rainbows at the end and covers undiscovered vowel sounds).

The basis of this chart was the assumption that RED is fundamentally linked to the cardinal "Ah" sound, GREEN is linked to the "ee" sound, and BLUE is linked to the "oo" sound. In Vitaly Vetash's Colorbet, he links BLUE to "ee" and GREEN to "oo" but that is merely based on the sounds in the words for those colors in the Russian language and the tendency of Russians to make those associations.

However, it is better to follow the English color words that link to the "oo" and "ee" sounds because of the added associative value connecting the "oo" to blowing wind sounds which evokes the color blue, and the "ee" to eating an chewing which evokes "green" things we eat.

Click on the image to enlarge it and to see it clearly.


Background Images for Chinese Tones

For a flat tone, it might be nice to have a picture with flat cobble stone walkways, or nothing special added to the pictures at all.

For the Falling then Rising tone, a Chinese Silk Lantern like this would be perfect:

If there are such things as Rising-Failing Tones (maybe in a diphthong situation), some evergreen fur tree would be perfect picture background with branches shaped like this: ^

For rising tones, it would make sense to have highrise buildings in the background, or a staircase of some kind.

For failing tones, it would be great to have the picture set at night with shooting stars, or the scenes could be by an entrance to a subway going underground.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Vision is Born: May we change the world!

"Do you see yonder shining light?" He said, "I think I do." Then said the guide, "Keep that light in your eye." -- Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

Please click on the image below to see it better!